Rainout, Cancellation and Schedule-Change Procedure

1) Rainouts or Late Changes

If there is a late game change (Friday/

Saturday/Sunday morning), someone from the home team is responsible for texting the Umpire Supervisor and Dan Portnoy with their team name, field name, and reason for the change (e.g., "Rainout"). If you have not texted Dan before, please be sure to identify yourself. The text to Dan and the Umpire Supervisor should be sent after you have telephoned the visiting manager.

Every game on a weekend must be marked with a score or a status. If you played, the score should go in by the next day (best if done within an hour or two of the end of the game). If you had a rainout or forfeit, or any other cancellation/postponement, you need to mark it as cancelled or postponed through the league website.

If your field is playable when you check it at the appointed time, but the weather changes between when you first check the field and the game's start time, it is your responsibility to contact the opposing manager, and to text the Treasurer and Umpire Supervisor as soon as you suspect your field may be no longer playable. If the league is charged an umpire fee due to late notice of a rainout, the league reserves the right to charge the home team for such umpire fee.

2) Schedule Changes and Additions

This is for any schedule change that is for a game that is at least three days away (not Friday/Saturday/Sundaymorning).
It requires an email to Scott Simon and Dan Portnoy (but *NOT* to the Head of Umpires), in addition to the opposing manager.
Please do not notify Scott and Dan until both teams have agreed to the change.
After you email Scott and Dan, the online schedule will change, and it will be confirmed back to you. If you don't get a confirmation, you need to follow up.
Again, in this case (#2), you are not responsible for notifying the umpires.

Information required in this email:

a) The teams involved
b) The original game date, time, and field
c) The new game date, time, and field
d) Whether the new/changed game creates a doubleheader

As long as you comply with this procedure in a timely manner (as noted in the WHSL rules), your team will not be held liable for the fee if an umpire shows up at a canceled game.